
By donating to Better Together Community Support Inc. you are helping us to enrich and strengthen the mental and emotional wellbeing of the people of the Atherton Tablelands. By donating to us you are helping us to provide counselling, case management, community development and other supports to help families, children, older people and other individuals overcome adversity and become more connected, more confident and able to participate fully in their community.

But we don’t do it alone. We do it by working in collaboration with other services, businesses, government, individuals, groups, charities and …YOU.

When we work together, we become better. Together.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible as we are a registered Charity and an endorsed Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) that is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

There are a number of ways to donate below:

If you would like to donate with cash you can come into the Community Centre at 16a Robert St, Atherton and pay over the counter and we will provide a receipt in person. 

Donations over $2 are tax deductible as we are a registered Charity. If you require a receipt please enter you details below and we will email them to you. We need your name and address for the receipt:

Click the Give Now link below if you would like to donate through the Give Now website.

If you would like to donate online direct into our bank account you can use the the details below:

Better Together Community Support

BSB: 034-160
Account: 155963

Reference: Donation + Your Name

Fill out the form below if you require a receipt and we can email it back to you.

We need your name and address for the receipt:

If you would like to donate via Cheque or money order you can post them to us at:

PO Box 793,
Atherton QLD 4833

Please put your return address in or on the envelope for us to mail back a receipt or provide your email if your prefer a electronic copy.

If you require a receipt for your donation please contact us with your details below: 

If you have any trouble making a donation please Contact Us 

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